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NiftyPlay (Pay to Play)

The NiftyPlay credit card processing option is designed for new startup businesses or small retailers who expect to process less than 100 transactions per month (on average) and do not want to pay for any significant monthly gateway fees because of their lower volume. The NiftyPlay plan is designed for the next step up from 3rd party processing services such as PayPal, ProPay and others that charge high percentages of each sale.


No substantial one-time setup fees
Most gateways charge $100 to $250 to get your account activated and setup. With NiftyPlay, you pay just a small annual maintenance fee to keep your account open for a complete year, should you need it.

No monthly gateway fees
NiftyPlay does not require monthly gateway payments. You pay per transaction, which allows you to be charged only for those transactions that were processed each month.

No high credit card discount rates
Most low startup cost payment processing alternatives charge very high discount rates for accepting credit cards, ranging from 3.5% to 8%. With NiftyPlay, you get the same CCMA (credit card merchant account) discount rates as if you had signed up for a standard gateway account.

No 3rd party payment processing and/or resold merchandise disclaimers
With NiftyPay Pro and NiftyPlay, you are the merchant. No need to place disclaimers on your order pages that your merchandise was resold to your customer by a 3rd party as a reseller and/or that your payments are accepted by a 3rd party payment processor. You are in more control than what 3rd parties can offer you.

No minimum time contracts
NiftyPlay requires no contracts stating time of use or how long you must use the gateway. You may close your account at any time. You may use the account as much or as little as you wish, as long as your maintenence fees are kept up to date. Note: CCMA (credit card merchant account) may require commitments of 2 to 3 years depending upon the bank, but this is separate from NiftyPay. However we have negotiated low monthly statement fees and no monthly minimums with our current CCMA providers.

No special forms or scripts
NiftyPlay operates the same as the NiftyPay Pro payment processing gateway. Any script or shopping cart that supports NiftyPay or iTransact will work with NiftyPlay. The only difference is the way your are billed (per transaction if over 75 per month and a very low annual maintenence fee of $39.75)

Great Pricing
NiftyPlay is the best small retailer payment processing option AND a very affordable option for those merchants who want to be in more control of their payment acceptance options. Click Here to see Pricing

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